Leiden Muscular Dystrophy pages©

Deletion mutations in DMD/BMD identified in Saudi Arabia

(last modified February 24, 2004)

Extent of deletions

deleted exons in DMD / BMD
4 - 6  (-7 ?) 1
(? 5-) (-7 ?) 1
(? 7-)  8 - 16 1
(? 7-)  8 - 19  (-31 ?) 1
(? 18-)  19  (-31 ?) 2
44 1
45 2
45 - 50 1
46 - 47 1
46 - 52  (-59 ?) 2
47 - 52  (-59 ?) 1
48 - 50 1
49 - 50 1
49 - 52  (-59 ?) 1
50 1
50 - 52  (-59 ?) 1
51 1
52  (-59 ?) 1

21 deletions detected in 27 DMD/BMD patients analysed (78%). Deletions detected using multiplex PCR, i.e. 18-exon Chamberlain and Beggs sets and a third set containing exons 1, 16, 32, 34, 41, 42, 49. Exon 46 was included later. Reported by Al-Jumah et al. (2002). All changes have been added to the DMD del/dup database.

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