ArrayNL platform©

ArrayNL mailing - 2 February 2000

From: "dr. Johan T. den Dunnen" 
Subject: acquiring a rat EST library
Date-Sent: 02 February 2000 23:18 +0100
Dear ArrayNL platform members,

Please find below an urgent request to particiapte in acquiring a rat
cDNA/EST clone collection for expression array studies. One of the goals
of our platform was to promote such type of efforts; now we have the
chance to see if our platform is able to achieve something by
collaborative efforts.

Please, when interested, do not sit down and wait for others to become
active but reply as soon as possible. It would not be the first
initiative which raises a large interest but still fades out because the
interests are not made known.

        yours sincerely,

                Johan den Dunnen
                Dept. Human and Clinical Genetics
                Leiden University Medical Center

Dear ArrayNL platform members,

In addition to the available set of 40,000 human EST clones the Leiden
Genome Technology Center (LGTC, Leiden University Medical Center) wishes
to acquire other clone sets. High on the list is a set of 17,000 rat EST
clones from Research Genetics. Since this particular collection of
clones is of potential interest to numerous research groups in the
Netherlands we are looking for those that are willing to participate in
purchasing this library. 

In the end, purchasing the entire library is much cheaper than ordering
individual clones. The cost of the library is approximately $ 100,000.
Individual clones are $45 for the first clone in each order and $24 for
each additional clone. This means that about 4000 individual rat EST
clones need to be ordered to cover the cost of the entire library, a
number that should be easily reached combining the requests from the

Right now the Division of Medical Pharmacology of the Leiden University
Medical Center (Dr. Erno Vreugdenhil / Dr. Nicole Datson) has a request
for over 100 rat cDNA-clones. Instead of ordering the clones
individually this money could be put towards obtaining the full
librabry, making it accessible to a larger research community. In
collaboration with the LGTC the Division of Medical Pharmacology is
willing to make a significant contribution in obtaining the library. The 
LGTC is willing to store it and to handle clone requests. The LGTC will 
handle clone requests from groups which have participated in purchasing 
the library free of charge.

Our urgent request is for those who have an interest in the rat EST set
of clones and are willing to contribute significant finances in it's
purchase, to contact Nicole Datson ( as
soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

        Nicole Datson
                Division of Medical Pharmacology
                Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research
                Leiden University Medical Center

	Johan den Dunnen
		Leiden Genome Technology Center
                Leiden University Medical Center

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