ArrayNL platform©

ArrayNL mailing - September 27, 2001

From: "Johan T. den Dunnen, PhD" 
To: ArrayNL platform 
Subject: ArrayNL platform update 9/2001
Date-Sent: 27 September 2001 09:13 +0200
Dear ArrayNL platform members,

It has been quiet for some time, meaning that we have received little correspondence 
regarding our or other activities. Consequently, everything with chips and micro-arrays 
seems to go smoothly in our country. Below you will find a brief update of existing 
developments which are worthwhile to mention. When others have similar information, 
please do not hesitate to let us know.

Regarding a new ArrayNL-meeting; no date has been picked yet. This is mainly because 
several other genome- or bioinformatics- related meetings have already been organized 
by others. Still, when you think a next ArrayNL meeting is desired, please let us know.

Some of the information linked to the ArrayNL pages might need an update (e.g. 
regarding the "Equipment in Nederland". If so, please let me know.

Yours sincerely,

	Johan den Dunnen
	ArrayNL platform


* at one can find an events agenda listing courses, workshops, 
symposia, congresses, etc. related to genomics and bioinformatics.

* November 5-9 (2001) the Hogeschool Leiden organizes a Post-HLO course "Micro-array 
en DNA-chip technologie" (see

* October 4 and 5 (2001) Westburg will organize a course "Practical microarray 
processing and data mining course" (see

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