ArrayNL platform©

ArrayNL mailing - 10 December 1998

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 22:03:11 +0100 (MET)
From: "Dr. Johan T. den Dunnen" 
To: Johan den Dunnen 
Subject: DNA-chip and arraying technology in NL
Dear colleagues,

DNA-chip and micro-arraying technology bears great promises for research 
and diagnosis and is of major interest to a large group of Dutch
researchers. Some of us have initiated the establishment of the 
technology, many of us have plans in this direction. In our opinion,
especially in these early days, it would be of benefit to us all if we
share our progress, keep each other up-to-date on our experiences and
coordinate some efforts, e.g. obtaining interesting clone collections.

We have set out to initiate the formation of a National group of
interested researchers. This first message is to ask you to send us your
thoughts regarding this initiative. Our plans include;


Currently, besides all general remarks regarding our initiative, we are
most interested in;
  1. the names (E-mail addresses) which should not be missing on this
  2. the equipment you have purchased or are planning to order (i.e.
    arrayer, scanner, software)
  3. the name of the person in charge at your institute or university
  4. whether you have / know of interesting clone collections or (for
    expression profiling) whether you are constructing or have constructed
    tissue-specific gene sets.
Please, send your replies to Johan den Dunnen. We will collect and summarize the
replies in a next message and through the GTC web-site.

Thanking for your attention,
	yours sincerely,

		Johan den Dunnen

  **     *
   **   **
    ** **
    ** **
   **   **
   *     **		Dr. Johan T. den Dunnen
   **     *      	MGC - Department of Human Genetics
    **   **   		Leiden University Medical Center
     ** **    		Wassenaarseweg 72
      ***      		2333 AL LEIDEN
     ** **		Netherlands
    **   **		
    *     **		E-mail:
    **     * 		tel: +31 - 71 - 527 6105
     **   **		fax: +31 - 71 - 527 6075
      ** **
      ** **
     **   **
     *     **

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