Genome variation analysis: new approaches for Gene Discovery

Josh Goldsmith

ABI, SNPlex product Manager, Foster City, CA

The SNPlex system is specially targeting high throughput LD association studies or family based Linkage Analysis where the large number of SNPs required makes cost and throughput considerations compulsory. 
Based on a proprietary OLA (Oligonucleotide Ligation Assay) technology followed by a universal PCR reaction, the SNPlex system allows for 'multiplexed' genotyping of 48-96 SNPs simultaneously on a common capillary electrophoresis DNA Analyzers like AB 3730, 3730XL and soon on 3100. 
SNPlex allows to reach throughput level of 400.000 GT per day (on a single 96 capillaries analyser, at 48 plex) and cost as low as few cents per GT.